Thursday, August 27, 2015


 As a fitness instructor and trainer I always get asked about how to maintain a healthy diet and weight, and what I do for my own personal routine, now by no means am I a dietitian or nutritionist, but I can give a few tips that work for me. Fitness and diet definitely go hand in hand and you can not have one without the other and be successful.It makes no sense to workout and then go eat Mcdonalds- obviously an extreme- but you get it.

I always stress you have to find something that works for YOU. What I do and eat may not work for you, all I can suggest is make it a lifestyle, not  a DIET. I don't believe in diets. Usually people decide to diet, they change their eating habits drastically, are miserable while they are on this diet, and that may last for a few weeks if you are lucky, and then its back to old habits. Same goes with an exercises routine. You can't expect to go from not working out to 6 days a week right away and keep it up. Start slow with something you can handle and commit to, say 2 days a week for a month or two, then add in another day or two. Find something you ENJOY doing. Working out should be fun! If you hate running, don't run. You wont stick to it. Find a type of exercises or class you enjoy, at a place where you like the instructors and people,  a fun atmosphere where you can get motivated and inspired.

Same goes with your eating habits. If you can make eating healthy a LIFESTYLE you wont have to turn down that dessert, or glass (or in my case, glasses) of wine. My mentality is if I am eating healthy 95% of the time, I can indulge in that other 5% and not even worry about it. Again, I think the trick is to find healthy foods and dishes, that you enjoy. Healthy eating doesn't have to be tasteless or boring. Another thing I try to do, is eat at home, and/or make everything myself. This way I know exactly what I am eating and what ingredients are used. I also always bring snacks with me, both for me and Lennon. I am always on the go, and this helps me avoid going to grab a snack at Tims or starbucks or even worse fast food! Pack for the day with healthy snacks like nuts or veg. I bring my homemade power bars with me every day (I'll post this recipe up soon) I try to buy mostly organic as well, I know this is not in everyones budget so you can pick and choose what you buy organic and what you don't. I would stress meat for sure organic, and things like berries, apples,spinach, peppers, celery....there's actually something you can find online called the "dirty dozen and the clean 15":
check it out for reference.

I know, I know,  this does take some time, but nothing you can't handle. I'm not superwoman, I just use my time wisely. Whenever I have a few spare hours, I make stuff. I keep my freezer packed so there is always something there to take on the road. I've got muffins and patties for both Lennon and us, always have granola bars and falafels, pesto... I could go on and on. My freezer is stocked! I'm sure if and when another baby comes into the equation, I will have less time, but I figure I managed with one, when I thought I couldn't, so I'll  be able to manage with two. I thought the same thing before I had Lennon- how the hell am I going to do all the things I want and love to do with another person to take care of!! ....but you just figure it out. Just give yourself a few more minutes in the morning to get ready and take advantage of the times when shes playing or sleeping.

Also remember, weight- just like age- is just a NUMBER! don't let it haunt you!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Baby "pancakes"

So Im still refining this recipe a bit, have made it a few times, and I slightly change it every time, lol.  It works everytime I make it, Im just still perfecting it. I figured I'd post it up, and update the recipe if I change it. Its pretty quick and easy to make, and I keep it in the rotation for Lennon's breakfast or lunch.

Lennon approves.

I figured out the trick is to keep the pan at medium to low heat, so they don't burn, and keep them small.  Watch them closely, they are not as sturdy as real pancakes, so you have to be gentle flipping them. They taste pretty yummy and are not made with flour like real pancakes, so way healthier. You can totally add beriies or chopped fruit into the batter too, or just serve on the side.

Here it is:

1 organic banana
1 organic egg
2 tbs organic baby oat cereal (or oat flour)
1 tbs hemp hearts
2 tbs golden flaxmeal
1 tbs almond butter
**you can add 1/2 tsp cinnamon to batter as well, my almond butter has cinnamon in it)

In a small bowl mash the banana, then add the egg and whisk together. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend well til you have a batter.

 Heat your pan on low to medium heat and add coconut oil. Once pan is heated, pour small scoops of batter onto the pan. It only takes a few minuites to cook, and you will need to flip very carefully, as they are kinda flimsy. but once they are flipped, press down a bit on the pancake to ensure they cook through.

You just gotta eyeball them, once they lok browned on either side and cooked through, remove, cool and serve to your little one, or you!  As I mentioned, this one is still in progress, I'll update the progress on this one if anything changes.

By no means am I a pro at this recipe stuff , I have a very experimental way of coming up with my recipes, trial and error and usually just go with it, lol. If it works and it tastes good, its a keeper!

Here is the finished product

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New Recipe! Fruit and Vegetable muffins

Just came up with a new muffin recipe for little Lennon. She definitely enjoyed them! I just broke them up into little pieces so she could feed herself.

These babies are pretty easy to make, the only thing that takes a bit of time is grating the apple and carrot. I kept a few out and the rest are in the freezer, so on the days I need to drop her off at nonnas place in the morning when I have classes, I can just grab a muffin and a little container with organic raspberries and blueberries and were out the door! Rad.

These muffins are gluten free, high in fiber, made with banana, apple and carrots but I think you could totally use zucchini instead of carrots, I'm going to try that next time....I always like to add my fav superfoods: flax, chia and hemp hearts, into the mix also. These could be for us grown ups as well, maybe add a bit of agave to sweeten it up for us. Lots of possabilites for add ons too, raisins, nuts, blueberries....

Preheat oven to 375

1/4 cup almond butter (I make my own and add to cinnamon to it, so I don't add the extra cinnamon below)
1 ripe organic banana
1 organic egg
1/4 cup grapeseed oil
1/2 wheat free oats
1/4 cup golden flaxmeal
2 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs hemp hearts
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 cup grated organic apple
1/2 cup grated organic carrots

It's as easy as this:

Put everything but the chia seeds, grated carrot and apple in a food processor and blend til all the oats have broken down and the mixture is smooth. Add  the chia, carrots and apple and pulse to break up the fruit and veg to smaller pieces, no need to puree, you want some small chunks in there. Fill up your lined muffin tins, you should get about 9 muffins. Then pop in the oven for about 15 min, check em out, give or take 15-17 min depending on your oven. Just use a toothpick and if it comes out clean, you're good to go. just let them cool a bit before eating.

super yum.

Holy Crap! She's turning 1!!!

Lennon Dorina Caruso

Almost one year ago I gave birth to this little monkey! I cant beleive a year has already gone by!! WTF